Thursday, September 9, 2010


What would you do if G-O-D [7” and hunky] pulled up in a 2050 graft Bentley besides you on a paved walk way, spotting some sweltering Paul Smith legs, Phat farm denims, some customised H & C cuffs, cool Aviators, some diamond on his right ear [optional], custom Louis Vutton belts – branded L-U-V, and some maddening Boss cologne, without any wrist watch though [No! He doesn’t need a time piece cos he is Time – the same yesterday, today and forever] and you are a chick?

He alights and opens those sweet pink lips giving off this sonorous voice that just melts your inners; butterflies and wasps flying & buzzing simultaneously in your tummy and intestines... and while you stagger, He goes...

G-O-D: Hey pretty, would you mind me taking a walk with you?

One thing about Him, He’s not forceful, He seeks permission to even walk with peeps He’s crazy about... “Behold i stand at the door and knock... he that hears and opens...i will come in and dwell with him” – so full of graces, courtesy, and politeness even though He is the creator of all things...check it!

G-O-D: You see, i just couldn’t resist the grace, that surrounds you like a halo... i just had to say hi... and maybe take you to lunch @ the Restaurant le Gardene O’eden...the truth is, the beauty your heart pulses
is so forceful my 36 cylinders went static...

He continues and his serene swag mows you off the side-walk...

Say! What would you do...?

The attributes used were just about earthly beggarly wealth...nothing compared to the garments of gold [and other hard rocks humans haven’t found the set words for yet] he dorns in His awesome majesty He is saying all of the above and more...When He looks at you, He sees a sleeping beauty [awaiting awakening] even though the world sees a Shrek...He sees an Oral Roberts even though the world sees Tom Sawyer... He sees in you the Mt. Everest even though the world sees a mole hill in you...whether you are a dude or a chick...

He wants to date you and love you... c'mon allow Him take you on THE TRIP of your life...ready to?

click on I CONFESS


Unknown said...

This post left a smile on my lips n a song in my heart

Bill Bidiaque said...

Almost five years after and it can still touch a heart.
I'm humbled that he spoke these words through me.

And thanks for reading through.