Monday, October 4, 2010



The dude writing this in truth and spirit is not really me... He is the resurrected Christ...the dude that was crucified with Christ wouldn’t dare do this...Cos he was trapped in the power of pornography, lust and masturbation – SECRECY. He was insecure and would have felt that by spilling, he would be killing his rep before peers. This new dude in Christ is free of all entanglements to any human opinions... He does not draw his rep from men, but from the God who created all men...

His security is not based on human standards but on God’s standard...God sees me as righteous now, not because I fasted for thirty days but because I accepted the truth about me and chose to walk in my rights as a Christian; not because I now pray with all perseverance and meditate upon the word day and night, but because I have now accepted the hard-to-believe truth about grace – not deserved but given; not because I in my strength keep myself from falling but my father who so loves me and has shed this same love abroad in my heart keeps me from falling (Jude 1 v 27).

How did I do it...I didn’t, the Holy Spirit did, but I had a part to play... I received a nudge to delete all movies on my system first – believe it or not, if you have an imagination like mine, any little video that exposes the littlest nudity sparks you up – and I did with all diligence...then I was led to deny the flesh totally for a while; I obeyed. Then I started surrounding myself with the right messages and books so that my mind was renewed with the truth and is still being renewed even as I write this.

My confessions now are in accord with my actions and the Holy Spirit is multiplying my grace daily. I have overcome my weaknesses, not by my strength, ‘cos that had utterly failed me, but by grace... the Holy Spirit told me what to do and I did... right now I live in the reality of Jude 1 v 27 & 28... Now I stand fast in the liberty where-with Christ had set me free – Gal. 5 v 1... I am fast apprehending the understanding of 1 John 3 v 9 – that he that is born of God cannot SIN, because that seed of God dwells in him... and I am abounding in the knowledge that perfect love casts out all fears, sin and weaknesses – 1 john 4 v 18...

There you have it... That’s how I got out of the porno slam! Fourteen-year jail-term...
Pornography, lust and masturbation won in far too many rounds but I gave them the knockout for the last time...they have been knocked out for good... you are asking, “how am I sure I have overcome them?”...
My response is “How do you know you are alive?”

Are you being tormented by these idiots too... take a cue;
 Decide to walk away! Yes, you have to make that decision; no one will do it for you...
 Pray for help from the Holy Spirit, listen carefully to the instructions you are given, and adhere to them like your life depends on it (It does)
 Understand that righteousness is not earned but a free gift
 Talk to friends and loved ones about it, thereby weakening the hold of pornography lust & masturbation on you... their strength is in SECRECY just like every bad habit...
 Deny yourself of certain pleasures (Fast that is) and fill your spirit with the right materials during this period
 Pray in the Holy Ghost and grow your spirit (Jude 1 v 20)
 Surround yourself with edifying texts (books), images, audios, and videos; ‘cos you are what you take in. (Proverbs 4 v 23).
 If you are not a member of any congregation, hook up with a bible believing spirit-filled church.

Initially it won’t be easy but don’t give up... ‘Cos in this fight of faith you can only be knocked-down and not knocked-out... When you are down, dust your butt and rise again... if an athlete in a 100 meter race trips and falls, he doesn’t go back to the start line to begin again, he simply gets up and continues the race...even if he comes last, he finishes the race. Falling doesn’t make you less righteous than the most spirit-filled Christian, you just have different levels of grace... get up and pray for grace to be multiplied (2 Peter 1 v 2).

The righteous man falls (Proverbs 24 v 16) but he rises... the battle is not over till you’ve won; & if you can just believe, your father is able to keep you from falling – Jude 1 v 27 says so...

If you want to learn about hearing from the Holy Spirit click on the GRIP link on the left side of this blog.

Hey, stay Christed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

'Understand that righteousness is not earned but a free gift'- I heard this over and over and over yet it took me years to really understand it...

The sheer honesty with this!