Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Yes you... you are supposed to replenish the earth, and subdue it!
In case you never knew this, it’s Genesis 1 v 28, so you can review it & meditate...
What does that entire verse mean to you when you view it under your spiritual-scope? Does it sound like a visual joke? Or does it bring only conjugal hope? Better yet, does your spine trigger a frugal stroke just by thinking about the possibility of the ocular impossibility?

The first part of the verse says to be fruitful – meaning our seeds need to be sown; not just on any ground but on fertile mounds... nurtured through selective feeds, disciplined for proactive needs and primed to also yield purposeful seeds! Man (You) is designed to bear fruits – but these fruits cannot be fully juiced except he meditates upon the word like in David’s first Psalm... The man that that meditates upon the word is a tree planted by the rivers of water! Whoosh!

The second part says to multiply... what are the multiples of two (parents) >>> 2, 4, 6, 8... Of course, we all know that every couple gets to decide the number of kids they want... meaning, that there is an understanding of this part of the verse...

Would you agree that this is where the understanding of man’s primordial authority, vested on him by God, ends? Just the “Be fruitful & multiply” part... The “replenish the earth” & “subdue it” parts have lain fallow for far too long... only a few have been able to access this authority, why?

If replenishment means restoring, refilling, restocking, rebooting, then you deduce that God anticipated the pollution & destruction of the earth even before he started creation – destruction already existed down here even while God’s spirit was brooding over the face of deep! Isaiah says it! If subduing means to suppress our environment & pull down the strings of challenges then God expected us to face challenges & situations; expected us to defy natural laws to suit our purposes on earth... Hmmm, the earth was created for man, not the other way round!

Before creating earth, God knew the devil would want to subject it under his authority, so God programmed us with the ability to replenish anything that the devil polluted & the power to overcome all challenges; that’s why he didn’t curse the first Adam, when he fell, He only cursed the earth for his sake... That ability to subdue the earth & replenish it was subverted...

See it this way, God had warned Adam that the day he eats of the tree, his spiritual acuity would be murdered... Death... Death is a transition from one realm to another, just as life is... so, by spiritual death, that ability to replenish & subdue the earth was transited to a darkly realm, shadowed by the dominance of the devil & man was subjected to a life of servitude.

Christ came with a spiritual rebirth... the ability to replenish the earth and subdue was restored... Hitherto, only a few could subdue creation at certain times that the Holy Spirit came upon them >>> Moses parting the red sea, Joshua commanding the sun to stand still >>> Elijah replenished the earth when he prayed for rain to fall after three years >>> but Christ’s redemptive work has translated all who believe into a realm where the ability flourishes.

Phillip could teleport; defy the spatial laws of nature (Subduing); Paul raised the dead (replenishing) >>> Stories abound of Apostles walking on water, shutting the mouths of lion, surviving boiling oil unscathed, causing earthquakes and calming them (Pete)... Acts that certify the ability to replenish & subdue abound, only, many do not know! The natural thing for the Christian is what has been tagged “miraculous”

God’s original plan? Live the replenishing and subduing life! Yet, what have we today? Men that still ask God to do what he has already done for them. No intentions to get acerbic or hard on any Christian who doesn’t have the time to open “The Book” & find out how to subdue nature & replenish it... but the truth-must-needs-be-told (Now, that’s KJV)...

I think about this and understand why Paul told the Romans that the entire creature “earnestly awaits” the manifestations of the sons of God >>> when will the sons begin to squelch tsunamis & earthquakes with their words? When will they restore the depleting ozone layer? Sounds bogus but we’ve been given the ability to... The creature need not wait anymore, they need to witness the manifestations...

Manifestations are not signs of sonship, but true sons that have encountered grace‘ll manifest as the ministry of the spirit leads them... heard of John G. Lake? Kennet Hagin? They understood the ability, you can too! Through fellowship with the father! What did Jesus come to do? To show us what we could do... That’s why he said... “greater works than these shall ye do”...

but it's not by might!


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