Wednesday, March 11, 2015


I'm an artist 
I paint worlds with my keyboard.
My brush-strokes are words.
The oil I deep my brush into
drips from a priesthood higher than Aaron's beard.
The rhythm of my strokes are synonymous
 with the heartbeat of salvation.
Realism knows relatively nothing about 
the reality that I relate when I exhale
on my Microsoft canvas.
The points I make point out each self-evident truth, 
yet, from a perspective of pointillism, 
they collectively point to the whole truth - The only Truth.
This craft existed before me 
and will transcend every iota of the 
knowledge of my existence. 
The renaissance met & left it 
and civilization only recognizes ancestry 
because this craft laid the foundation for what 
vestiges of "awareness" we can glean. 
I picked up the brushes where the fathers dropped them,
my biological and otherwise lineage will 
wave the canvas when I conclude my patriotic duty.
It is the only craft that will stand where
and when all knowledge self-destructs. 
The craft of words 
Eternal words 
Elion's words...

Image Credit: Leonid Afremov on

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