Sunday, November 3, 2013


The whole mountain was ablaze with glory… such glory that the particles of the mountain vibrated
individually yet a strange force held them together. Kunle Smith could see the light at the peak and he knew exactly where Moses was. He held out his hand behind him to help Eti up. They had taken a trip to Mount Sinai for lessons on the old and new covenants.

They could hear that thunderous voice that tripled the blend of all waterfalls… that same voice that soothed the aches they had accrued from coming this far up the mountain. Kunle felt more alive than ever… His bones tingled as he got closer to the source of the glory and he knew this lesson would be a classic. 

They passed Joshua who had come up as Moses’ aid but couldn’t go too near for fear of dying. From this distance, his body glistened like he was wrapped in a glowing translucent skin… 

“Whoa” Eti exclaimed when he noticed the pure and fiery blood in Joshua’s veins which were obvious through the glowing skin. “Why did he stay back dad?” 

“In a moment son” Kunle answered 

 They finally arrived the source of light but they couldn’t see anything for even Moses had been wrapped up in the light. The light was a glowing cloud… it was existence but wasn’t… the words to describe it exist but not in human language… Kunle was entranced just staring at the light and drinking in the essence that flowed from it. 

Eti reached out his hand and touched the glowing cloud… and it parted… Eti stepped in but Kunle was too weak to enter… he fell on his knees and began to weep… this was the most beautiful and raging sight he had ever seen… his weeping became screams of ecstasy… He saw himself being transformed into the same image that Joshua had… only, his was more advanced… every nerve in his body was obvious through his skin… 

He beheld the intricate design of man through his own eyes… and he understood why God had said “Very good” when he finished creating man… man is a masterpiece of creation… he couldn’t imagine what Eti was experiencing… 

Eti, however, had been transported into an eternal world of light. He saw Moses afar off and ran towards him, but the more he ran towards him the farther Moses appeared to be. So he stopped and knelt down, not in frustration but in an overwhelming fulfilment, he had found light… the source of light… he was not going anywhere… this was his new home 

Then a hand rested on his shoulders and he looked up but couldn’t see any face… yet he was conscious of the hand on his shoulders… then the being spoke…. Oh what a beautiful experience… this was nothing like the descriptions of heaven in comics or blockbuster flicks… this was better 

“Joshua couldn’t approach me like you can because… the gap between humanity and I had not been bridged yet” The being continued “only few could approach me at certain times that the Holy Spirit rested on them… one of them was Moses… but the gap has been bridged… that is what Jesus Christ has done for you Son”

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