I want to praise my God
The Almighty with words & phrases
that English language cannot fully define
words that will have your faces puzzled
because they defy grammatical structures,
rules of concord and might not be understood by English doctors
words like The Alagbara, phrases like Aribiti Arabata
words that get you speaking in tongues - shakabata
I want to praise my Jah with ancient words
that will throw the gates of heaven ajar
because my papa will be dancing and laughing
and be saying things like that’s my boy,
he might not know how to speak Queens English
but he indeed knows how to speak my language
I know he is the Alpha, because he instituted time
& because he always heals in time, I know he is the Rapha
and because he never leaves me nor abandons me
he is my Shammah
the righteous judge who sits on the throne of light
I’m talking about my Shaphat
and from the throne of grace he spreads his wings over me
my banner; the Nissi
the Nissi who sees as the Roi
& because he sees, he is the perfect shepherd, my Rohi
the Elohim, common say Hello to him
He who sits in heaven, the Bashayim
and restores all that is lost as the El Ashyib
I praise the sovereignty of my Adoney
El Magowr who washes away all my agony
English can attempt to define these words & phrases
but these definitions will never bring Shalom
because no English dictionary tells you that peace
is a geographic location, but I'm resident in peace
matter of fact the King of Peace is my father
& the Prince of Peace is my brother
matter of fact, I am chilling in peace while I deliver this piece - Peace
I want to praise my Lord with phrases like
Abasi Ibom, Oluwa Effizy Chibuike, the Shaddai
who is the all sufficient I AM
grammatically I AM is an incomplete statement
but who can quantify the everlasting completeness of El Olam
the Lion & the Lamb
a perfect oxymoron that makes perfect sense to even the atheist moron
don’t mind my grammar but do mind I AM
for in him is life, and in him I found my wife
and if you build your marriage on Selai, My Rock
no man can put asunder, no divorces
no forces can force this apart
because we are bonded by the Agape
the only one whose nature is indeed love
I praise you Love, I praise you Lord
I praise you I AM, because when I need a provider
You tell me I AM Jireh
& when I am bullied, you tell me I AM the Lion of Judah
so you roar until Hades confesses that you are JEHOVAH
The self-existing Almighty one
In my weaknesses and frailties I am confident of your mercies
because you are El Nas and El Rachum
Lord I want to praise you with incomprehensible words like
Reglara ban derogo sesto escalaraba
Reguloveoragre brandigero… till thy Knigdom come
and when it’s all said and done
You remain the Omega