Monday, December 19, 2011


Slurp.... gulp... choke... gurgle... stagger a bit... utter life-giving gibberish in unknown tongues... knock back a few more swigs and literally fill the entire ambience with the strong effervescence of the spirit you are drunk on... Yep! Real high, concentrated, miracle-wringing, mountain-moving spirit and not industrially refined alcohol...

Until you get to a point where your every step is mapped-out by the greatest route-guide (Holy Spirit), your path will be riddled with so many tumbles that you would pay considerable credits to the thoughts of walking away from the salvation that cost God the greatest thing He ever valued.

Unknown to many young ‘uns (babes as Paul would call ‘em) the Christian race is hosted on a desert terrain designed strictly for xtreme sports and not a Cat® constructed seamless highway; so they take up domestic gear for a zone that requires heavy artillery and when the demands of the rough terrain show up, they just up and quit....

Count me not a general for I am not, but my sergeant-fatigue has proven time without numerical accentuation (too many stains) that without the Holy Spirit (H.S) as my route-guide and compass, my logical navigations in this non-logical terrain always ends me in ditches which inevitably remind me of where I started the race from – Murky waters.

Before salvation, everyone is literally drunk on murky waters that take up every available pore in your mind and body; its decadent nature boring more pores that only the purity of Christ’s haemoglobin can seal and cleanse. Upon salvation, however, the human entity is injected with a new substance (H.S) which has no physical equivalent.

From the moment your lips confess the supremacy of the greatest miracle ever (Jesus Christ), a substance-induced warfare begins within your entity; that’s simply because oil and water don’t mix. So, H.S constantly seeks to take charge while the murky waters also claim territorial ownership; in the process Paul finds himself doing the things he despises and not driving the gears he craves cos at certain moments the murky waters appear to win the battle.... but did He ever quit the race? If your bible is not dusty, you already know the answer to that.

So are you going to quit simply because you forget to occasionally consult your route-guide and compass? I know it’s immoral to cheat but you really do need a cheat to answer this question–

Cheat - When you take a glass of murky water and place it under a flowing tap, the clear water gradually boots the murky water out of its territory until the pure water fully grabs bragging rights. This only happens when you leave the glass constantly under the flowing tap. When you intermittently take the glass away the dirt remains within until you place it back under the tap.

In simple terms, if you stay high on H.S, the weaknesses and sins that clogged your system will keep oozing out until full purity is attained. Should be plain to see by now why you still trip and fall even after you hook-up with Jesus – H.S within you is simply booting out the murky waters within your entity, so you cannot just pack up your bags and hop off the band-wagon on the rough terrain.

Don’t quit cos without these falls you wouldn’t recognize your frailties and yield them for Dada to make you whole and don’t stop taking in H.S cos then you would leave room for the murky water to remain. It’s okay to complain about the falls but it’s also required that you lean back and ask H.S what you need to see and what murky depths need to be unravelled so that you can willingly accept H.S’ replacement therapy; in-filling of the Holy Spirit, being fully formed in the image of He who paid the minimum wage for the acts of murky waters in you.

If you have accepted Jesus, then the manifestation of murky waters is just evidence that H.S is at work in you and won’t let up until you are drunk on Him; but if you are yet to understand the implications of what happened on the cross, Hades and 3 days after, then you need to say this prayer...

Dear Lord, I come to you with a contrite heart and a broken spirit seeking forgiveness from you, I am sorry for running from you till now, I believe that Jesus died and rose again for my sins (present, past, and future) and I confess Jesus as my Lord and personal saviour...thank you father for accepting me as your own in Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

The moment you made that confession, you were placed under the H.S tap, keep drinking until the first line of this post becomes your reality and never quit whenever the murky waters show up, cos they will (I assure you).

But the Holy Spirit isn't done with you just yet... Keep drinking

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