Tuesday, October 12, 2010


“...Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world” [I JOHNNIE IV.IV] has become so much of a cliché that Christians just say it in passing without a chronic grasping of the weight of this tornado of a line... it bears so much weight you can achieve anything in the world just by meditating on it...

Check these...

Greater is the creativity in you than that that’s in the world [better creative works]...greater is the wealth in you than that that’s in the world [hyper-abundance]... greater is the love in you than the hate, fear, and insecurities in the world [means you live fearless & without envy]... greater is the joy in you than the sadness in the world [happy-high]... greater is the peace in you than the chaos in the world [you are never perturbed]... greater is the patience in you than the rush that’s in the world [absolute trust in God’s timing]...

Greater is the health in you than the illness that’s in the world [divine health]... greater is the abundance in you than the lack that’s in the world [all your needs supplied]... greater is the kindness in you than the wickedness that’s in the world [your ways are higher than the wickedness in this world]... greater is the meekness in you than the arrogance in the world...greater is the faith in you than the doubts and unbelief attacks in the world... greater is the anointing in you and on you than the weight of evil that’s in the world [you overcome all things]....

Greater is the light in you than the darkness that is in the world... & greater is the Christ in you than the anti-Christ that’s in the world.... hey! the lines keep going and you can sub as many words as you can but the truth is, with this well thought-out verse by the disciple whom Jesus loved... you have overcome the world!

Remain Christed


Anonymous said...

Preach hon,

Bill Bidiaque said...

yep... he rocks...& will keep on rocking even after we are gone from here...