Sunday, March 29, 2015



“I already told you Elion sent me and I don’t want your money even though I need it bad.” Benjay rummaged the sling bag at the foot of the bronze-sprayed chair under him. He produced a sheet of paper and scribbled on it. He pushed the paper to Tiamiyu. “When you are ready to listen to what Elion wants you to do, call that number.”

He rose, picked up the sling bag, and walked towards the door. Tiamiyu stared at the paper in front of him. 080-ELBENJAY was written on it.


Benjay shut the door behind him and hurried to the main entrance of the MGAAN office complex. He never understood why churches and church-related organizations built such mega-complexes yet impoverished Christians numerically dominated the select rich. He had nothing against churches; he just found it ironic that structure and packaging took precedence over the well-being of souls that these structures were erected to attract.

The door he’d just shut opened in tandem with the main entrance and a lady dressed in denims & a t-shirt entered the lobby. Benjay stopped in midstride. He could recognize the lady but had no idea where he’d seen her before.

He looked back and saw Tiamiyu, standing by his office door, and staring at the lady too. Benjay turned back to the lady and it suddenly hit him. She was one of the faces he saw in his sojourn into the ethereal.

“Mosun Akinola.” The Voice said.

“Do I approach her now?” Benjay asked but The Voice didn’t reply. Benjay took a quick decision and walked over to Mosun, who was conversing with the blonde receptionist. Why can’t Nigerians just stop the pretense? A blonde Nigerian? Benjay thought.

“I need to talk to you ma,” Benjay muttered to Mosun, but she sidestepped him and headed for Tiamiyu’s office. The disgust on her face told Benjay all he needed to know about her; this lady was rude.


Silence. Weighty physical silence. Silence enough to allow the spiritual noise in the church yard some vocal room in the physical. Huntoel observed the team of five angels from the Bureau of War advantageously positioned on the roof of New Estate Baptist, Yaba.

“What are they doing here?” Sanctiel broke the silence.

“Silence.” Huntoel hissed without turning to look at Sanctiel. In all his years of service, he had never been paired with a complete nepios – angels in nappies. He preferred executing missions alone, but if the occasion demanded a partnership, he always had battalions of seasoned executors to choose from. But like Amaziel had pled, if Mackel said to take Sanctiel, his reasons were sturdy.

Rapha dept. had furnished them with cloaks and claymores. Even though this was meant to be an investigative mission, Huntoel had opined that something could go wrong and they might have to fight their way through some skirmishes. Sanctiel hadn’t wielded a sword, more so a claymore since he left the academy eight Zion months ago. He had never even seen a cloak before, so his excitement was insanely skewed to the scary when he received it and learnt its capacities. Also, his enthusiasm beat new-year fireworks when he learnt he was going on a mission with Huntoel – the most decorated executor in the Bureau.

“Sir, once again it is my greatest honour to serve alongside--" Sanctiel reeled off in excitement, forgetting the last order Huntoel had just issued.

“Silence.” Huntoel hissed again and ducked. He pushed Sanctiel’s head beneath the rise of the roof adjacent to the huge church. Yazael, the leader of the five-angel team, spun in their direction.


Yazael scanned the building adjacent to theirs and sniffed the descending zephyr.

“We have company.” He said, drawing his sabre-tooth scimitar.

“Light or darkness?” Messuel, Yazael’s second in command, asked. But Yazael uttered not a word.

The team of five had defected from the ongoing onslaught in Sections 61-65 of Quadrant 1 – Yobe, Maiduguri, Baga, Biu and Gwoza. Balrog’s battalion was doing a damn fine job of upsetting the scales of justice in code 234 and the apostolic wave that Elion wanted to drown Africa in had been stalled. Nigeria was pivotal to the success of this last move of Elion on planet earth before the great Armageddon.

To be Continued...

Photo Credit: Courtesy


Unknown said...

This can be produced as a sequel. It's an engaging read from the first word to the last.

Bill Bidiaque said...

It's actually part of the "Bureau of Life" novel. I'm just introducing the book via the blog posts.

Thanks for reading through and I'm glad you were engaged and blessed by it.