Thursday, July 10, 2014


I am a theist... But I was once an atheist
A descendant of avowed atheists... Born blind, raised by the blind, and darkness outshone all hit songs on my playlist
no! Darkness was my playlist... my daydream, my payslip, my waybill
darkness... My playmate...
I was such an adept fellow of darkness that I was elected to sit on the bar
A waiter, serving darkness while darkness was serving me Satan
I was so delicious; dude didn't want to swallow me...
his biggest mistake, 'Cos Light found me while I was wallowing

If everything I've said so far has lost you... Please allow me

We all were born in sin before we knew sin
Imprisoned babies born in prison
And the only taste of freedom we knew were cold iron bars,
rippling barbed wires, and itching mental scars
our lives were infernal, our jail terms were eternal
it's no wonder true freedom broke the chains
at our feet but we couldn't take a step to change
it's hard to enjoy the softness of the bed when your soft body enjoys the hardness of the mat
put medicated glasses on the eyes of the blind and you have a medicated blind man

So when we heard about the prostitute...that the Pharisees couldn't accuse
because Jesus had offered them meat they couldn't chew...
they choked and we gawked like fools
We did not get it!
and then we heard Jesus tell the guy with the best record of bank jobs,
"guy, today you'll lounge with me in heaven"
we were like "kai, this is too good to be true"
and as they say, if something is too good to be true... it's not
or so we thought...

You see, our concept of freedom was so chained and manacled
that even when we beheld Jesus stretched on the cross and raised as a spectacle...
we only saw a convicted felon strained... a debacle
we didn't see the beginning of grace, the miracle...
we were too blind to see the truth probably because truth isn't a physical attribute
or probably because He didn't wear purple...
they say royalty doesn't roll with common people
I guess the joke was on us...
because common to us was Peter the waterside tout
but uncommon to him was Peter the first pope...
That's why he said "Upon this Petra I will build my church, my bride, my home"

He saw us whole while we were broken, battered and broke...
He saw us a race of giant folks even when we crawled as grime without hope
Oh! How much faith He saw in Thomas' doubting hope
He looked down on earth and saw a withering tree
and proclaimed with tears streaming down His cheeks
"I will pay with my life for these ones to be part of my family..."
And that right there is our grouse... How can a sovereign God love and die for irreverent humans?
We just can't comprehend it
or rather, they just can't comprehend... it cos like I said, Light found us
and blinded our blindness
So now we wear glasses...  and we behold with open faces the logic of what His grace is

This is it!
God conducted an exam for us, then he gave us pens and answer sheets
and when He said "Your time starts now"
we turned over the answer sheets to discover that all the answers had been filled in...
we didn't cheat, he cheated death for us
and when we submitted our papers he gave every one of us pay packs...
all-expense-paid vacations to Life...
It's the truth, whether you believe it or not
The say "truth is subjective" but I object this
no matter how much you deny the sun you feel it's heat...
and even if you deny the risen sun (son) three times... don't let it set!
Come home, grace is not a scam...

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