Sunday, March 16, 2014


Continued from Last weekend...

In his bid to escape Raphael's adamantium scimitar, Balrog grasped at the old "Hide and seek" routine that
had helped many a demon escape Zion's wrath... He reflected himself in the gathering clouds on earth's atmosphere... Raphael looked down and saw about 50 reflections of Balrog looking up at him... Without pausing to consider which
of the images was the real Balrog... He struck out scimitar lightning lashes at the them... quickly eliminating the odds.... 


As the bolides entered Earth's atmosphere and descended Mt Carmel.... their magnifications reduced as programmed by Tamimel... the twelve bolides merged just as they reached the altar and formed one flaming hand.... the hand of YHWH.... and lit up Elijah's altar... "YHWH be praised..." Elijah muttered...

The bolides still retained their water conversion abilities even after entering earth's atmosphere... So everything on the altar was sucked up.... bull flesh... blood... water... twelve rocks... YHWH had proven himself God... 

In what was left of Polara, demon sulphur rent the air with rank... nothing was left of Balrog's battalion... Remiel, Raphael's lieutenant, raised his sword above the din and screamed... "YHWH be praised"... And Raphael's battalion thundered "YHWH be praised" till their cries resounded in glorious Zion and the 24 elders fell flat on their face in unison with the four beasts... All hollering "Praised be YHWH... Holy and Mighty.... Wondrous in His ways... Great in His judgments... and Holy in Majesty" 

By the time Raphael finished eliminating Balrog's images... Balrog had escaped to the fountain of rain... strategically positioning himself at the buoy such that, if Rapahel's scimitar lashed at him... it would destroy the fountain... inevitably opening the fountains eternally... once again destroying the earth with water... against the words of YHWH... 

Balrog thought he had Raphael cornered... unknown to him, there were laws and codices that had been written after his defection from Zion... nothing would stop the rain from falling like God had told Elijah... and the buoy at the fountain of rain would not be destroyed... but that remains to be told in another UNTOLD SCRIPT...

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