Thursday, December 25, 2014



Joe slammed the brakes on the 504 sedan and screeched to a stop outside the prenatal ward driveway in Salem University Teaching Hospital. He was a merger of excitement, fear and confusion.

"Nurse!" He screamed as he scuttled out of the driver's seat, ran round the rear and pulled open the back door.

"Nurse!" He screamed again, this time more out of anger than apprehension. How come the emergency service took vacations when it was needed most? He had tried calling in but found the pair of terrible network and whipped batteries too complex to battle.

He opened the door and helped a groaning Mari out. He didn't even remember to shut the doors; Mari was experiencing grave birth pangs. She was due a week from today, so they were staggered when the baby gave the kicks. They felt it was his routine reality check kick, until the pangs arrived and they had to quickly borrow a neighbor's Peugeot.



Once again silence enveloped the throne room as rivulets of glory traced every space. This time around the throne room wasn't silence in pain, but in awe.

Elders, Principalities, Dominions, Powers, Mights, and Angels watched entranced as Elion and Jay communicated without words. The cloak of glory that covered the throne blazed like a million suns yet its intensity only poured oceans of love on all present. The Host of Heaven had never witnessed Elion and Jay separate physically, this was the first time.

The Host could hear everything that was being said between the two, but understanding was far from them. This was a highly confidential mission; the Host only knew what they were told. However, it was obvious that Jay was going to execute the relocation plan that Elion had initiated just four days ago after Ad'ahm lost his address.

Four days in Zion was four thousand years on earth.

Joe's consternation was a testament of his frayed emotion. He was composed by disposition but the apprehension he felt for Mari's safety and the baby's was tuned a notch higher when the receptionist told him he had to...

"Did you even think before you spat that statement?" Joe yelled at her and everyone in the lobby stared at him funny. "A woman is in labour and all you are worried about is government policy?"

"I'm sorry sir, but we run the risk of being shut down for having your child delivered in this hospital," the receptionist said calmly, she had her finger just under the table by the alarm button should this maniac go loco on her. "It's been in the news for about four weeks now."

Joe looked round at the faces in the lobby and waved at them, they all went about their businesses. Mari who was seated on a bench by the receptionist's desk, was panting as the agony shot up every neuron in her being. Joe looked at her and almost broke down in tears. This is the most he had been frustrated all his life.

When they arrived Salem University Teaching Hospital, they had been informed by the receptionist that Mari had to return to her local area of origin to birth her child. Why? Government policy. It didn't matter that Mari had done all her prenatal check-ups and monitoring in that same hospital. Deroh, that spineless dictator, had just signed a new bill into law, all Y'Israns had to put to birth in their local areas and his word was final.

So Joe had driven from Salem city to Little Town in ninety minutes. The journey usually took three hours. Now they were here and just learnt that they had to present a DNA test result before Mari could be taken into the labour room. And this was the only public-serviced hospital in Little Town. Joe couldn't afford the charges at any of the private hospitals in Little Town.

Little Town was largely a farming town - livestock farming. And most of the farms were owned by livestock exporters, so the cost of living in Little Town was paradoxically big.

Despite Joe's frustrations and rants, nobody would attend to them. It would take about three to four weeks before amniocentesis test results to be gotten. And that was one test result Joe wasn't ready to wait for. Even if the test was carried out, the child's paternity couldn't be determined.

The child's DNA was not earthly, so it could only be spiritually deciphered. Its DNA was written in a language understood only by spirit beings, but how would he explain this to the spiritually inept personnel here.

"Where's your M.D?" Joe turned to the receptionist.

To be Continued... Oh! Have a jolly Christmas

Image credit: Calvin Wray on

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Continued from yesterday...

And so he did...Unknown to both of them the serpent had slithered away, genetically dispossessed by Luciff, who had seen Ad'ahm's only weakness, his love for his woman. A weakness that should have been strength; his love for her should have surged in him a will to fight for her and drive the serpent away.

Alas, Love. Alas, Love. Or was it just attraction?

Then lips married fruit and teeth violated the sacredness of softness. This was all the sign that Michael needed, for hardly does the teeth bite without the tongue tasting.

Michael was at the portal. His legion was. And their weapons descended to the rhythm of Elion's teardrop. A single teardrop rocked the cores of existence, the very forces that bound galaxies and universes threatened collapse at the weight of Elion's tear. The translucent stairwell shuddered as claymores and tower-sized swords gave life to its death - destroyed even before it could be used by who it was intended for.

Bits of translucence flew in all direction as a legion of purity unleashed anger blended with tears. How could Ad'ahm?


Elion's throne raged. The mini-lightning bolts gave way to streaks of intense fulguration. Existence had never known and will never know such depth of emotions as that moment when the lips of man bit exquisite flesh with innocent intent evilly expressed.

Man had failed Elion, he had only asked Ad'ahm not to taste of that fruit for a season. There was an appointed time when Ad'ahm would have received further instructions to taste of knowledge; when the fruits were ripe for knowledge.

There was only one portal for man to access Zion now; the portal that connected Hades and Zion. Now, man had to die to enter into life.


Elion's rage passed sooner than it had come. The deed was done and punishment was to be served in love. Ad'ahm lost his home, his address, and his mailbox. No more spiritual serenity and fulfilment; these had been traded in for a transient rush of hormones.

However, the epistle had not been concluded. Elion chased Ad'ahm out, but he had a relocation plan and a restoration plan. Eternity would be trapped in humanity, immortality in mortality, soon.

Part III drops tomorrow...

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P.O.Box (PART I)

Substantial silence held the throne-tower spellbound as the Host of Zion awaited the decision of the eon. Elion's throne glowed fiercely as His heart radiated tongues of non-scalding flames of love. Mini-lightning bolts trickled through the row of the bowed elders, past the bank of shielded Seraphs and brilliant Cherubs, down the endless ranks of angels raptured in eternal worship.

With their eyelids welded and their beings melded into Elion's all seeing spirit, the Host of Zion beheld the woman and the serpent. She was perfect and It was perfect. But It had been enveloped by the corrupt essences of Luciff.

Gabriel had never seen Elion exude so much emotion at once; this was a blend of love and jealousy and anger and pain and love again. Elion was hurting. First from the loss of Luciff and a third of his host, second from the bridge of the law of possession by Luciff, and third -- the third had not happened -- yet.

Gabriel couldn't watch what everyone was gazing at, the ongoing transaction at Earth's gateway into Zion; that picturesque craftsmanship of nature and an opulent tapestry of beautiful emotions translated into the physical - a garden named Eden. Eden wasn't just a physical location; it was a realm of spiritual serenity and fulfilment. And just beyond the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which was at the heart of Eden, stood the portal - a translucent flight of stairs that led up to the outskirts of Zion.

Ad'ahm didn't even know this portal existed. Ad'ahm had no inkling Zion was just a staircase away. He had never savoured from the tree of life and death, if he had, his spirit would have received a revelation of the portal. For Zion itself pulsated with Elion's life - and life calls unto life.


Michael stood at the portal with his legion; weapons drawn and glowing in glory. They had one mission only - sever the portal if Ad'ahm failed this temptation. They trembled as the weapons quaked to the surge of Elion's emotions.


The portal blazed fiercely in response to Elion's emotions. Gabriel had his spirit affixed on Elion's veins; those emotions swimming in there were strange to him. Indeed, the tangibility of Elion's hurt transcended the physical, it defied the gamut of realms - the whole universe, seen and unseen, could feel Elion's hurt. Not because he didn't have faith in man, but because Luciff envied man so much he would defy Elion.

The Serpent offered the fruit again. The swirl of It's neck and sultry skin knocked away every iota of resistance the woman had.

And the woman took it. She bit it.

"It's beautiful," she muttered in a medley of melodious sensations, the rush of emotions choked her with ecstasy. She turned to Ad'ahm. "You should take a bite," she whispered to him.

"You should," the Serpent echoed her supplication. The man, still entranced by the splendour that Elion had given him to wife, still asleep from the emotional slumber Elion had incited, received the fruit from the woman.

Elion's instructions rang loudly in his consciousness, "The day you taste of the tree of good and evil, you will die."  However, his enchantment to Eve's exquisiteness drowned his will and all he could hear was "it's beautiful."

To be continued...

Image credit: Courtesy GeshaR on

Friday, December 19, 2014


A lot of us are toiling in the wrong addresses,
filling bank tellers when we should be beautifying 
hearts - souldressers;
Standing on the pulpit when we should be 
giving orphans dresses,
forgoing the eternity of the hidden pen
for the transiency of the press list,
Being led by the pangs of
the mouth and belly
rather than by pants of
the Breath and yearnings
of our spirits.
No wonder our parcels arrive and
we never get them, yet blame God
for not meeting our needs.
Are you residing where God asked you to?
or are you just chasing paychecks
and paying checks?

Image credit: Calvin Wray on

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


God's not a liar. 
He neither has the DNA nor the capacity to. 
His word is TRUTH! 
Miracles and Mysteries aside, 
Thunderstorms and still seas aside, 
God's integrity is unveiled in the air we breathe daily! 
So if He says He loves humanity, 
despite the chaos and hate that battle His veracity, 
He loves us so much, 
He literally went through hell for us. 
And whether we acknowledge it or not, 
He makes the sun shine on all of us! 
So, I believe whatever He says to me, 
because what I am today is a testament of His promises yesterday. 
So, I'll trust Him today for tomorrow! 
God's not a liar! 
I don't have to defend that statement! 
A lion needs no human to defend it! 
God's not a liar! 
He can defend that statement!

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